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Mandarin Butterfly Pops

Spring has finally arrived and we’re celebrating with this easy snack activity that’s packed with Vitamin C (and some healthy chocolatey antioxidants!).

🦋 All you need is a mandarin orange, some melted chocolate, reusable cake pop sticks, and dye-free green sprinkles.

Utensils Used
 Reusable Cake Pop Sticks
 Toothpicks (optional)
 Mandarin oranges, peeled and broken into segments
 Chocolate, melted
 Dye-free green sprinkles

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Take 2 orange segments at a time and line then up next to each other like wings with a cake pop stick in the middle.


Dip the inside of the 2 oranges in chocolate and lay it down with the cake pop stick in the middle. Take your melted chocolate and using a spoon (or piping pen), drizzle it down the middle on top of the cake pop stick so it'll harden on top. Decorate your wings by dipping a toothpick in the chocolate and making little dots. Take 2 green sprinkles and add them on the chocolate as antenna.


Put your baking sheet in the freezer for 15 minutes until the chocolate hardens, and enjoy!